Do Wig Caps Damage Hair?
Wearing a wig cap can be a great way to improve your appearance and boost your self-confidence in no time. There are many amazing wigmakers who work hard to create real-looking wigs that are hard to distinguish from your natural hair, making them a great option for you to choose if you need a wig. However, some people are nervous about putting on a wig because they fret about some of the damage that the wig cap could cause to their hair. But will a wig cap cause any damage in the first place?
According to my local hair shop in OKC (https://www.judiswigs.com/contact-okc), Wig caps themselves do not inherently damage hair if used correctly. However, improper use or poorly fitting caps can lead to issues. For instance, cotton caps may absorb moisture, leading to dryness, and cause friction, which can damage hair. Choosing the right materials, like satin or silk, and ensuring proper hair care can prevent these problems.
There are a lot of reasons to choose to wear a wig, but knowing how they work and focusing on how to protect the hair and the scalp underneath will make all the difference. Let’s take a closer look at why some people think that a wig cap is going to damage their hair and some of the simple steps that you can take to avoid any damage from occurring.
Should I Worry About Hair Damage When Wearing a Wig Cap?
Wig caps do not directly cause damage to your hair. If you wear them properly and take good care of the hair that is underneath, you will never need to worry about the wig cap not doing a good job of protecting your scalp and giving you the beautiful hair that you need. Make sure that you choose one that fits well and does not cause irritation as well as one from a reputable wigmaker. If you do these steps, you will be able to enjoy the wig cap as much as you would like.
Some people worry about the damage that they will cause to their natural hair when they choose to wear a wig cap. They may have heard horror stories from others who did have a bad experience. The thing to remember here is that it was not directly the fault of the wig cap that caused the hair problems. It was either choosing a wig cap that did not fit well or not taking good care of the natural hair that is underneath.
Even though you plan to cover up the natural hair and not show it off when the wig cap is on, this is not enough to completely ignore the natural hair. If you wear a bad wig cap and never take it off to clean and care for the natural hair, then of course you are going to end up with some damage and other problems too.
How to Reduce Hair Damage When Wearing a Wig Cap
The good news is that there are some simple steps that everyone can take to help reduce some of the common hair damage that will happen when wearing a wig cap, helping you preserve that natural and beautiful hair that is underneath for years to come. Some of these steps include:
- Wash your hair frequently: No, the hair is not going to be exposed to all the elements when it is under the wig cap, but it still needs to some. You are going to sweat somethings with the wig cap on and ignoring the hair that has to soak up all of that is a bad idea. Make sure that you continue to wash and moisturize your natural hair to keep it healthy.
- Create some tension in the scalp: This doesn’t mean that you need to hurt yourself to make this happen, but simply braiding the hair and then adding it under the wig can make a difference. Making it too tight can cause some stress to the head and also pull at the hairline. Choosing some loose braids can help you hide them under the wig and causes some of the tension that you need.
- Choose a wig that is the right size: There are actually a few different sizes when it comes to wigs. If you go with one that is too tight or too small, it is going to be uncomfortable and can cause the hair to break in some places. Measure it out well and get a wig that is the right size.
- Pick the right cap construction: Choose a construction that is going to work with your hair type. Capless wigs can be good if you have thick hair or you are worried about it getting too hot under the wig.
Taking Good Care of Your Natural Hair and Your Wig
There are countless reasons to choose to wear a wig and a wig cap, but you still need to take good care of the natural hair that comes with you. By taking a few simple steps, such as choosing a wig that is the right size, you will be able to enjoy more comfort with the wig and will want to wear it all the time. Add that to the care that you need to do for the wig and you will be good to go!