
FAQs Page


How can I add my business to The Davis Freeberg Business Directory?

You want to add your business to The Davis Freeberg Business Directory? That’s great! You can do this here. If you do not have a free Business Owner Account yet, just quickly sign up for it here.

How much does a The Davis Freeberg Business Directory Business Listing cost?

The basic Business Listing is free. But you can upgrade to Premium Silver or Premium Gold in order to unlock additional features. You will find an overview with pricing on our Business Page.

Where can I edit the address (or other details) of a business listing?

You can change the address (or any other detail) of a listing by clicking on the “Edit this business” link on the spot page of said business. If you are the owner of the business, we recommend you to register for a Business Owner Account.

How can I report a duplicate?

If you discovered a duplicate listing, please get in touch with us by sending an email to **@da***********.com. To avoid ambiguities, please inlcude the name and location (city) and/or the URLs (Website addresses) of the listings. We will then merge the duplicates accordingly.

How can I delete a businss?

Deleting a spot requires us to verify that you are the owner of the business. Please get in touch with us by sending an email to **@da***********.com. To avoid ambiguities, please inlcude the URL (Website address) of the listing. We will then remove your free business listing from our database entirely.

How does a listing on The Davis Freeberg Business Directory help my business?

We can connect your business to the local community and let people know that you are in their area. There are more than 10,000 people visiting davisfreeberg.com each month to make spending decisions. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing integrate your listing and related reviews in their search results, so people will find your business even faster. Through reviews you get valuable information and feedback from your customers.

How can I make the most out of my online presence?

Try to keep your business listing up-to-date: Click on the “Edit this business” link on the spotpage of your business to update the information within your listing. Make sure to link to your davisfreeberg.com listing, so people can write more reviews and improve your online presence. Get in touch with us via email to **@da***********.com for a premium listing.

Why should I sign up for a Business Owner Account?

With our Business Owner Account you will be able to update your business information allowing you to manage what is displayed about your business (except for reviews – they will always be displayed to ensure authenticity and provide value to millions of davisfreeberg.com users). If you claim your listing, a business owner account will be created automatically and other users will not be able to change your spot information (address, phone & website etc.) anymore.

Why is my business listed? I did not sign up!

Many of our listings have been added by users of our community. Everyone on davisfreeberg.com can add his/her favorite spots. So it might very well be, that someone liked your business and added it to davisfreeberg.com to share it with his/her friends.

Your business has been closed or you have other questions?

Please send us a short notice to **@da***********.com


How can I report a questionable review?

If you want to report a questionable review (that does not meet our review guidelines), please make sure to describe what review you plan to report (by including the spot name and name of review creator). Also enter a reason, why you think this review should be deleted. If your email does not include all information above, we cannot process your request. Please send your email to **@da***********.com.

What does The Davis Freeberg Business Directory do when a business wants them to remove all negative reviews?

We ask all of our users to provide honest, real-life experiences as a customer of businesses or services without getting personal or abusive. Therefore, we only remove reviews (positive or negative) if they are not in-line with our review guidelines. We know that, for a business owner, it can be quite challenging to receive negative feedback from a customer. Nevertheless, we encourage business owners to respect every kind of feedback and react transparently to it by using our comments function.


What is The Davis Freeberg Business Directory?

davisfreeberg.com is a free service for consumers and their experiences with local businesses. Our users can signup (for free) and join the discussion about the businesses in their neighborhood.

Why should I use The Davis Freeberg Business Directory?

You can share your day to day experience as a customer of local businesses or services and benefit from other opinions and recommendations in return. We provide a couple of useful features that help you find a fancy restaurant for your next date, the best coffee in town or the next hardware store or hair stylist in your surroundings.

How can I change my email address, nickname, avatar…?

After login, activate the dropdown menu next to your user name and click on ‘Settings’’.

I have other questions regarding my account

Just email us at **@da***********.com. We are here to help!

How can I add my favorite businesse?

If not yet on The Davis Freeberg Business Directory, you can add your favorite businesse here. If you do not have a free User Account yet, just quickly sign up for it here.

I cannot find Business XY (business XY does not appear in a search)! What can I do?

This could have one of the following reasons:

  1. Did you just add the data to davisfreeberg.com? Be patient – the business needs a while to get indexed. Please check again in a few hours.
  2. Please use autocomplete when entering the city name. If the location does not show up, it might not be in our database (this can happen e.g. with small towns)
  3. Last but not least, did you spell everything correctly? If necessary, our search prefers umlauts ä, ü, ö to ae, ue and oe.


I can’t login! What should I do?

Click here and try to login with your email address and password. If you cannot recall your password, click on the “Forgot your password?” link at the bottom.

I can not find my login details. Is it possible to retrieve it somewhere?

If you created an account on davisfreeberg.com, we can help you find it. All we need to know is your email address you likely used to create the account and/or your username. Did you already try to search for your username/profile by using our search bar? Once you find the account, you can reset your password (see above). You can then continue using your account or delete it. If you were not able to find it, please shoot us an email (with your username and email address) at **@da***********.com.