How Long Does Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty Take to Heal?

How Long Does Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty Take to Heal?

Rhinoplasty is a great way to fix some of the common issues that may show up in your nose. Whether you would like to help even it out, handle a deviated septum, or just improve the hole appearance, rhinoplasty can help get it done. And there are some issues that you can get fixed that will not require you to get surgery as well. When you are looking at nonsurgical rhinoplasty, you will need to know all the facts, such as how long it can take this type of rhinoplasty to heal.

A non-surgical rhinoplasty will take 2 to 3 days to heal, says a local NYC med spa, Aesthetics Park Avenue ( During this time, you need to avoid moving or manipulating the nose and watch out for some of the activities you choose to do on a daily basis. Depending on the location of your injections, you may need to avoid glasses that can press down on the area. For most patients, once they get past the first few days, they can resume normal activities and will have the results that they want, lasting between 9 to 18 months.

There are a lot of benefits that can come from nonsurgical rhinoplasty, which is part of the reason that so many people will choose to get it done to improve the look and feel of their noses. Let’s take a closer look at this type of procedure to see how long it takes to heal and some of the reasons you will choose to do it.

Does a Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty Take a Long Time to Heal?

Getting a nonsurgical rhinoplasty can help take care of your nose and some of the common issues that can show up for you. Since it is non-invasive, you will not have a long recovery time like some of the other options. Usually, you need to leave the area alone for 2 to 3 days after the procedure, and you should be cautious about doing any vigorous activity as well. You can talk to your doctor to figure out how long you need to wait to apply makeup or to shower.

There are a few side effects that you may notice right after the rhinoplasty is done. These are typically not severe and will fade after a few days. The amount of work that you get done can help determine how long these will stick around. Some of the most common side effects of nonsurgical rhinoplasty include:

  • Redness or some inflammation around the site of the injection
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Pain

Most of the time, these will be mild and self-limiting, meaning that they improve on their own. If they seem to get worse or do not go away, then it is important to discuss this with your doctor to help make them better.

How Long Does a Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty Last?

Since you are not going the surgical route to help improve your nose, you should be aware that this treatment is not meant to last a lifetime. If there is some major work that needs to be done on the nose or you would like the changes to be more permanent, then you need to look at some of the surgical options to help you.

With that in mind, you will find that nonsurgical rhinoplasty can last for a good amount of time. Most of these procedures can last between 9 to 18 months, depending on the amount of filler used, the area that is treated, and how well the doctor does it for you. To help maintain some of the results and make sure that they do not fade and go back to normal, you will need to get additional injections. Your doctor will be able to help you figure out when to get the new injections. This can get you on a good schedule to keep the appearance you want.

The cost for these can be more affordable than some of the other surgical procedures, especially if you can go just once a year to get them done. Depending on the doctor and the location, getting a nonsurgical rhinoplasty done will cost between $600 to $1500. You can ask the clinician ahead of time to help you figure out the cost to make sure you feel more prepared before you walk in.

Taking Care of Your Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty

No matter the reason that you choose to get rhinoplasty done, you need to take care of it and make sure that you are able to handle the healing process. The good news is that this type of procedure usually does not take too long to heal, giving you the look and appearance that you would like. Take some of the tips above into account and see how long it can take for you to heal from this kind of procedure.